Drug Free Work Policy


It is the policy of the Board of Trustees that the Northeast Mississippi Community College campus, centers, and workplaces be drug-free. The administration is directed to develop appropriate rules and procedures to ensure that the policy is enforced. Under the policy, employees are prohibited from the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession, use, or being under the influence of a controlled substance, as defined in state or federal law, in any Northeast facility during working hours or at college-related events outside usual working hours. Employees in violation of this policy will be subject to disciplinary action. Discipline may include mandatory drug rehabilitation, suspension, or dismissal.


Northeast Mississippi Community College supports the following:

  • Aid in the prevention of alcohol and other drug abuse through educational efforts.
  • Use of counseling services and rehabilitation programs.
  • Appropriate discipline for those who engage in substance abuse and related behaviors.

Educational Efforts

Northeast Mississippi Community College shall provide educational programs aimed at preventing the abuse of alcohol and other drugs. Educational efforts shall be directed toward all members of the college community and will include information about the incompatibility of the abuse or sale of alcohol and other drugs with the goals of Northeast Mississippi Community College; the health hazards associated with the abuse of alcohol and other drugs; the incompatibility of alcohol and other drug abuse with the maximum achievement of educational, career, and other goals; and the potential legal consequences of involvement with alcohol and other drugs.

Counseling and Rehabilitation Services

Those students, faculty, or staff who seek assistance through the college for an alcohol or drug-related problem shall be provided with information about counseling and rehabilitation services through college and/or community resources. Professional standards of confidentiality shall be observed at all times. For those working in good faith and in treatment or rehabilitation agencies, every attempt will be made to return the individual to full-time employment or student status.

Disciplinary Actions

Students, faculty members, administrators, and other employees are responsible, as citizens,
for knowing about and complying with the provisions of Mississippi law that make it a crime to possess, sell, deliver, or manufacture those drugs designated collectively as “controlled substances” in Section 41-29-113 of the Mississippi Statutes. The minimum penalties shall be imposed for the particular offenses described in the section labeled “College Regulations Governing Illegal Drugs.”